Monday, March 01, 2010

On the way...

Must see... the foot massagers at Singapour Airport! If your anything like me and have tingly feet when your tired, this is the best remedy!
Once comfortably seated, just choose your speed and mode (beginner, intermediate etc) and enjoy. At first one gets the feeling that the machine will crush your feet, then sadomadicaly, you start to relax as the "machanical boots" squeeze and massage your feet into putty. the amazing new seats in Emirates Airbus A 380, equiped out with mini touch screen, telephone, nintendo, 500 new movies, any amount of music, tv, radio and 2 player card games (Tetrus between a frenchman and a Brit at 4am, after 10 hours of flight already in the pocket, can be kind of dangerous!)

Chin up.... to Chris, our aeroplane neighbour, and his very important meeting in Dubai the following day, who was dead drunk and was hiccouping for the last hour of the flight.

Took my breath away.... *** The storm breaking out in the distance, above the clouds, perfectly visible from our aeroplane. Huge orange jagged lightning, as if the clouds were explosing......

            *** Seeing little postcard islands surrounded by a green sea, utterly beautiful!

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